Fat or thin chip shots often result because the club travels too far inside the target line on the backswing and then back to the ball. This shallow path causes the club to either touch down before impact (the chunk) or catch the ball on the upswing (the skull). Instead, hit your chips with a putting stroke. Take the club straight back and up with minimal wrist hinge then down into the back of the ball, re-creating your address position (
left). The club should finish low to the ground, with your left wrist flat.
—Jim Flick / Golf Digest Teaching Professional
Normal putting grip: This is good for short and medium-length putts, but it hinders feel.

Full-swing grip: This will help improve your distance control on long putts.
When you're facing a long lag putt, you need feel to roll it close to the hole. This is not always easy to achieve when using a conventional, one-piece pendulum-like stroke. Because of the way you grip the putter, the club, arms and shoulders move in unison, and the hands and wrists stay passive -- more suited for short and medium-length putts. You need some wrist action to create feel to hit long putts close.
Here's a tip I learned from longtime student and superb putter David Frost. Take your normal putting stance, but switch to your full-swing grip. This will automatically give you more wrist action in your stroke and encourage much better feel. On a long putt, there needs to be a release of the left wrist (a cupping) just after the putterhead makes contact with the ball.
With most shots, wrist action is an essential ingredient for feel, and I believe adopting this grip change will improve your touch. You'll get those long lags close enough for an easy two-putt.
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