I was reading through old posts and found this one and thought I'd move it up to the front because it made me laugh.
I actually rewatched parts of this movie just a couple of weeks ago. My review still stands. I was having a bad day and needed someone to make me feel better about my golf swing.
(Originally posted on Aug. 5, 2012) I watched The Back Nine today. A movie about Jon Fitzgerald who, in his 40s, decides that he wants to be a touring golf professional. Midlife crisis much? (He even addresses this in the movie with "This isn't a midlife crisis." Yeah right Jon. Sure it isn't, Jon.)
I actually rewatched parts of this movie just a couple of weeks ago. My review still stands. I was having a bad day and needed someone to make me feel better about my golf swing.
(Originally posted on Aug. 5, 2012) I watched The Back Nine today. A movie about Jon Fitzgerald who, in his 40s, decides that he wants to be a touring golf professional. Midlife crisis much? (He even addresses this in the movie with "This isn't a midlife crisis." Yeah right Jon. Sure it isn't, Jon.)
Everybody knows, or should know by the time they reach adulthood, that there are certain personalities you just can't get along with. After high school, college, failed relationships, jobs, hobbies, you eventually develop a pretty specific roster of personalities you like to surround yourself with. Consciously or not. This guy, Jon Fitzgerald, is a not-surround-myself-with for me. Maybe you would, in which case you might actually enjoy this film. Bet money you won't tho. Fitzgerald is a monster narcissist. He has to be the center of attention all the time because he never was, growing up. Before you say anything, that's not the main reason why I disliked this movie. Most (read: All) people who know me would probably (read: definitely) describe me as a bit of an attention-whore. To be completely honest, in some bits I almost envied the guy. How fun
would it be to play St. Andrews with your pops and learn about the
origins of the game? Seriously awesome vacation idea. But here's the part that just didn't sit well with me. His wife. Pregnant. Baby was due right around the time homeboy
planned his trip to the motherland. Seriously? That's what really bothered me about The Back Nine. This guy put his ambitions way ahead of his wife and children.
This movie did make me ask myself a few questions: What are my goals with golf? Why do I
play? What level do I want to reach? Most importantly, what am I willing to sacrifice in order to play?
I'm willing to sacrifice some money, nothing more. Would I ditch my pregnant wife for a chance to play in Scotland with my dad? Hell no. If I worked 50-80 hour weeks would I travel on the weekends to play golf? I like being married. Maybe Jon doesn't. Way I see it, if you're a married man, you chose to be a married man. You can't live life like a single guy with no responsibilities just because you feel like "[you] just HAVE to do this." (Fitzgerald J., The Back Nine, 2009.) If you're a father, good or bad, how your kids remember you is all about the choices you make. To me, setting a good example for my children is not only my main priority, it goes hand-in-hand with all my other ambitions in life. I don't think Mr. Fitzgerald and I are on the same page with that one.
I'm willing to sacrifice some money, nothing more. Would I ditch my pregnant wife for a chance to play in Scotland with my dad? Hell no. If I worked 50-80 hour weeks would I travel on the weekends to play golf? I like being married. Maybe Jon doesn't. Way I see it, if you're a married man, you chose to be a married man. You can't live life like a single guy with no responsibilities just because you feel like "[you] just HAVE to do this." (Fitzgerald J., The Back Nine, 2009.) If you're a father, good or bad, how your kids remember you is all about the choices you make. To me, setting a good example for my children is not only my main priority, it goes hand-in-hand with all my other ambitions in life. I don't think Mr. Fitzgerald and I are on the same page with that one.
Thank you for the suggestion, Netflix. To those looking to watch a golf movie, do yourselves a favor and avoid this one. F-
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