July 28, 2020

Range session last night with Juno & Thomas

Key things I worked on last night that I don't want to forget (besides that sweet drive I hit at the end of the session):

I need to remember the 10 words of the stack & tilt system BEFORE I set up to the ball.  Namely,

  • Weight Forward
  • Shoulder Down
  • Hands In
  • Arms Straight
  • Tuck Hips (butt under torso)
At address, I need to trim it down to "Weight Forward" when I set up to aim, and my trigger to start my back swing is "Shoulder Down."  I've noticed that when I'm conscious of "Shoulder Down" I tend to make consistent impact with the ball first turf second. 

With driver and fairway wood I need to approach them with the same mentality as my 7-iron now that I switched to stack & tilt.  I'm fighting a push and a bit of a pushy cut (not quite a slice) with the driver, but that's because I'm still working on trusting the tee height since I haven't hit the club very much in the last six years.  "Shoulder down" needs to be my swing thought when I dip the front shoulder, but I also need to start working on making sure I don't shrug the trailing shoulder in the back swing because that might lead to me leaving the club face open at impact.

Overall, driver and fairway wood were pretty solid last night.  Definitely making better contact with the new Cobra F8 hybrid, which was very exciting!  It's not a very forgiving club, but I'm finding the center of the face way more than I was before.  I think I'm getting used to the heavier weight of the club compared to my old 3-hybrid. 

With pitching I need to remember to hinge the hands pretty early, and release the hands down into the ball but making sure I turn the body together with the hands and arms.  The swing thought that worked for me last night was "Hands Arms Body Together."  That was the trigger to initiate the takeaway and hinge the wrists.  Impact was pretty consistent.  Not perfect, but better than before.  Distance control is still really really bad but first things first.  "Hands Arms Body Together" was the trigger that pretty much eliminated the chance of me hitting leading edge first and had me moving confidently through the ball.  Problem I ran into a bit was thinning it from time to time, but that went away as soon as I focused a little more on the hinge at takeaway.

Overall, great session.  Ended it with Thomas telling me which clubs to play next after every shot and that was a great mental toughness game to get me in the mindset to play the shot well without thinking I had multiple tries per club. 

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