What a beat down |
Last week Alisa, Soks, Thomas, and I drove out to Lipan, Texas to play our first round of 2020 at the Sugar Tree Golf Club.
The course was pretty short in terms of yardage, but boy did it make up for it with narrow fairways, sharp dog legs, and lots of water. Thankfully all the bunkers were filled in so that wasn't a factor, but it was definitely a huge challenge to stay out of the jungle.
It was Alisa's first round ever too! Really great that she got to come out with us and experience what it's like to play a full 18. She played really well, and was shockingly good with the flat stick.
Overall it was a super fun round. The heat was really intense. I think the high that day was maybe around 102 degrees. Thankfully there was a bit of a breeze and I came decked out in solar sleeves, leg sleeves, and a neck gaiter that I could wear over my face, neck, and ears. I probably looked pretty ridiculous, but I've suffered enough sun damage to last me a lifetime and I definitely don't want to make this ridiculous farmer's tan any worse! We made sure to apply sunscreen before our round, and reapply every few holes with the sunblock spray that we brought with us.
Normally with rounds that hot I end up dealing with a headache after the turn and just try to power through it but this time I was really determined to hydrate well so that I could play my best. I hydrated like crazy the night before, and I brought a gallon of water (that I stored at room temperature), a liter of Pedialyte, and a box of Pedialyte powders that you're supposed to mix into bottles of water. By the end of our round on Sunday I consumed the entire gallon, the liter of Pedialyte, and drank two bottles of water with the powder mixed in. Zero bathroom breaks. That's how hot it was. It worked though! I left Sugar Tree feeling fine with only a mild headache that I think was mostly due to fatigue than dehydration.
Gonna draft and post a Yelp review here in a few.